About us

OCTIMA is apolitical and non-confessional, it is a no profit organization and does not pursue any aims of commercial propaganda through its events but favors rather to provide its associates with the circulation of information, technical-scientific culture and technological education through any means or form of communication.

OCTIMA’s aim is to intend as a National and International referent for the processes of designing, construction and finishing of manufactured products made of:

Technologically advanced materials, composites, hybrids and nanostructures with various matrixes, the formulation of raw materials, chemical products ad products related to those fields in which production technologies and finishing processes are implemented.

This Organisation, officially introduced for the first time at Jec Cmposites Show 2007, is devoted to Researches, Technicians, equipments and materials Distributors, Designers, Project Managers, Engineers, Moulders, in fact to all the people involved in the complex industry of composites.

OCTIMA is dedicated to the different fields of use of composite advanced materials:
Transports, Automotive, Aeronautics, Marine, Military, Building/Construction, Industry, Energy, Design, Sport and Leisure, Medical, Ecology/Environment. Coatings and finishing.
This association is at the service of a sector continuously expanding on the world wide markets.
We wish to underline that firstly it is engaged in the environment protection.

In a field that, often rightly, is accused to be indifferent to the environment, more than that, to be polluting, it is a duty and a specific interest to be engaged in order that the production and handling of chemicals are monitored and the waste controlled.

OCTIMA is in touch with the Manufacturers Associations of the world in order to keep its members always updated.

Official organs of the association in order to allow members to meet, communicate and discuss, are the following issues:

Pitture e Verniciwww.pittureevernici.it
Composite Solutions & Technopolymers – www.compositesolutions.it


Write us for information on our events and our business, and if you want you can sign up by filling out the form online.

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